Companies likely won’t be back to “business as usual” anytime soon, if ever. Some impacts of COVID-19 on how we all work – and how patients access care – could be here to stay. There will be no silver bullet, single answer to the challenges brought forward by the pandemic. You need a diverse set of capabilities to move forward. To keep people healthy long-term, you need to address both the immediate needs and the evolving nature of the crisis.
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To make decisions to support your unique population, you first need insight into your situation. That’s why our team of analysts and clinicians developed a new COVID-19 Risk Dashboard. This tool shows where COVID-19 case data intersects with data about patient health, such as age and comorbid conditions. This lets you quickly identify high- and low-risk areas at the national, state and county level.
Whether you’re deciding to reopen worksites or maintain a more virtual workforce, you need a dedicated, knowledgeable and well-equipped partner – for as long as it takes. That’s why our support doesn’t just focus on the now, but also on what you will need to move forward in 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and beyond.
Select one of the four key areas below to view your personalized recommendations based on the uniqueness and complexity of your situation.
Helping you reopen worksites as quickly, safely and simply as possible with digital and onsite health support
Avoiding chronic disease exacerbation through better condition management, especially among those at highest risk with COVID-19
Finding ways to navigate financial challenges and economic uncertainty
Addressing whole-person health and behavioral health needs in stressful and uncertain times
Learn how a new, mobile-optimized screening and badging tool can help prevent the spread of infection at the workplace.
Contact your account team for more information.
See where plan-specific geographic risk and population health risk come together to aid your reopening decision-making going forward.
Navigate up-to-date guidelines and recommendations for workplace health and safety.
See where plan-specific geographic risk and population health risk come together to aid your reopening decision-making going forward.
Make informed, site-specific decisions with an interactive dashboard linked to new clearance tools.
Contact your account team for more information.
Navigate up-to-date guidelines and recommendations for workplace health and safety.
Help employees understand their risk profile and find access to nearby testing centers, from the convenience of home.
Contact your account team for more information.
Navigate up-to-date guidelines and recommendations for workplace health and safety.
See how we’re responding to meet the needs of patients during COVID-19.
Understand the roles both testing and symptom checking can play in minimizing the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
See where plan-specific geographic risk and population health risk come together to aid reopening decision-making going forward.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes adherence support, member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities, continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support and health and safety alerts.
Focuses on the most complex, costly conditions patients and payers face and unlocks new financial value and better clinical outcomes.
Rigorously reviews digital health solutions for safety, effectiveness and affordability, and then we handle end-to-end contracting and implementation on clients’ behalf.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes all of the digital health tools vetted by the Digital Health Formulary, as well as adherence support, member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities, continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support and health and safety alerts.
Programs like Diabetes Care ValueSM and Pulmonary Care ValueSM, part of our SafeGuardRx® platform, provide patients with condition-specific digital health solutions that make it easier to stay adherent. Members who received pulmonary remote monitoring devices through the Pulmonary Care Value, for example, experienced a 47% increase in days without short-acting inhaler use in 2019.
Accredo provides high-touch specialty pharmacy care using contact-free digital innovation for added convenience and safety through tools like Accredo’s mobile app and telehealth nursing support.
Combines early detection with tailored interventions to improve member adherence and deliver healthcare savings to clients. ScreenRx identifies members at risk of becoming nonadherent in the future and offers them tailored, proactive interventions – before nonadherence becomes a significant issue.
Offers added health and safety protection across your total population and has been in place for more than 20 years. RationalMed affects thousands of changes in care each week – changes that help improve patient safety and correct important errors in care to lower both medical and prescription drug costs.
Improves health outcomes and encourages prescribing practices in line with clinical guidelines. More than ever, it’s important to ensure that we’re getting the right prescription to the right patient for the right indication with the first fill.
Combines specialized clinical support and condition-specific patient engagement tools that make it easier to stay adherent. Enrolled clients see better patient medication adherence, higher therapy completion rates and greater compliance with clinical guidelines.
This digital health solution offers clients the ability to support members with the highest risk of developing chronic conditions. Using rigorous data analytics and clinical insights, StepIn will identify patients who, without the right intervention, are on a path toward a diabetes or coronary heart disease diagnosis.
Designed to take on this diabetes dilemma, members receive one-on-one support from specialist pharmacists and engagement tools to drive better health.
Accredo Therapeutic Resource Center (TRC) offers individualized care from specialized clinicians.
Provides cost savings and increased adherence by motivating members to fill 90-day prescriptions either from a Smart90 retail location or home delivery from the Express Scripts Pharmacy®.
Enables members to get short-term prescriptions delivered to their homes from a local retail pharmacy. For members taking maintenance medications, two courtesy fills are allowed at retail before the prescription must move to a 90-day supply from the Express Scripts Pharmacy.
Provides best patient care and plan savings on specialty drug costs from Accredo.
Combines multiple effective cost containment strategies, like channel and utilization management, into a single platform to maximize plan value. Simply by enrolling, plans saved more than $4.3 billion in 2019.
This powerful tool enables clients to achieve optimum trend management while preserving individual member choice and access to clinically effective generic and brand-name drugs. Our unique approach to formulary development is guided by an independent panel of clinical experts and a focus on clinical factors first. Financial considerations come into play only among clinically comparable products.
Ensures people with diabetes pay no more than $25 for 30-day supplies of preferred diabetes medications.
Home delivery through Express Scripts Pharmacy offers cost savings and convenience with free standard delivery, a 90-day supply of medication and the option for automatic refills.
Provides best patient care and plan savings on specialty drug costs from Accredo.
Offers copay offset savings program that helps members afford their specialty medication while reducing plan trend.
Redirects drug administration from high-cost sites of care and provides Accredo in-home nursing support.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes adherence support and health and safety alerts, as well as member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities and continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support.
ScreenRx identifies members at risk of becoming nonadherent in the future and offers them tailored, proactive interventions – before nonadherence becomes a significant issue. Nonadherence can lead poor health outcomes, increased hospitalizations and even death.
Offers added health and safety protection across your total population and has been in place for more than 20 years. RationalMed affects thousands of changes in care each week – changes that help improve patient safety and correct important errors in care to lower both medical and prescription drug costs.
This behavioral health solution offers a thoughtful and connected approach that helps both patients and payers better recognize, treat and support mental and behavioral health conditions. This program includes digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT) support.
Available via app and web, our dCBT solution will target patients living with depression, anxiety and insomnia.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes inMynd and dCBT capabilities, as well as adherence support, member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities, continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support and health and safety alerts.
Manages new/acute, short-term, intermittent and chronic users, as well as overusers/abusers. The program addresses potential behavior and safety gaps at each part of the care continuum, at the prescriber’s office, at the pharmacy and with patients.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes Advanced Opioid Management and Enhanced Fraud, Waste & Abuse capabilities, as well as adherence support, member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities, continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support and health and safety alerts.
Includes auto-lock management which enables earlier intervention to decrease opioid misuse or abuse – yielding an average 20% annual increase in fraud, misuse and abuse detection.
Available via app and web, our dCBT solution will target patients living with depression, anxiety and insomnia.
This behavioral health solution offers a thoughtful and connected approach that helps both patients and payers better recognize, treat and support mental and behavioral health conditions. This program includes digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT) support.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes inMynd and dCBT capabilities, as well as adherence support, member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities, continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support and health and safety alerts.
A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes adherence support and health and safety alerts, as well as member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities and continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support.
ScreenRx identifies members at risk of becoming nonadherent in the future and offers them tailored, proactive interventions — before nonadherence becomes a significant issue. Nonadherence can lead poor health outcomes, increased hospitalizations and even death.
Offers added health and safety protection across your total population and has been in place for more than 20 years. RationalMed affects thousands of changes in care each week–changes that help improve patient safety and correct important errors in care to lower both medical and prescription drug costs.
A life-changing solution from Evernorth. Helping to solve the problems others don’t, won’t or can’t.
What is Evernorth?
We recognize the many variables you will need to consider when preparing to reopen worksites for employees. Our COVID-19 Resource Center and Reopening guidelines are two additional resources to aid you in this process.
We can work with you to find the best ways to meet the needs of your plan and, just as importantly, your members. Let’s get to work.
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