A dynamic environment

Companies likely won’t be back to “business as usual” anytime soon, if ever. Some impacts of COVID-19 on how we all work – and how patients access care – could be here to stay. There will be no silver bullet, single answer to the challenges brought forward by the pandemic. You need a diverse set of capabilities to move forward. To keep people healthy long-term, you need to address both the immediate needs and the evolving nature of the crisis.

Clinical wave of impact from COVID-19

Clinical Waves of COVID-19

Nearly half of Americans say they or someone they live with have delayed care since the onslaught of coronavirus – one third of them plan to wait at least 3 months to receive care, or not seek it at all.1

Three healthy ways to move forward:

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Let us know your vaccination needs so we can start preparing today

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Find new solutions customized to your situation with our recommendation tool

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Stay up-to-date with our latest COVID-19 news

Understand your risk

To make decisions to support your unique population, you first need insight into your situation. That’s why our team of analysts and clinicians developed a new COVID-19 Risk Dashboard. This tool shows where COVID-19 case data intersects with data about patient health, such as age and comorbid conditions. This lets you quickly identify high- and low-risk areas at the national, state and county level.

Adjust your strategy

Whether you’re deciding to reopen worksites or maintain a more virtual workforce, you need a dedicated, knowledgeable and well-equipped partner – for as long as it takes. That’s why our support doesn’t just focus on the now, but also on what you will need to move forward in 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and beyond.

Select one of the four key areas below to view your personalized recommendations based on the uniqueness and complexity of your situation.

Workplace Icon

Workplace health
and safety

Helping you reopen worksites as quickly, safely and simply as possible with digital and onsite health support

Medical Icon

Population health
and clinical Care

Avoiding chronic disease exacerbation through better condition management, especially among those at highest risk with COVID-19

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Finding ways to navigate financial challenges and economic uncertainty

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Resiliency to cope
with change

Addressing whole-person health and behavioral health needs in stressful and uncertain times

  • Workplace Clearance Tools

    Learn how a new, mobile-optimized screening and badging tool can help prevent the spread of infection at the workplace.

    Contact your account team for more information.

  • Health Connect 360SM

    A holistic clinical management strategy, delivering guaranteed clinical and financial outcomes. This clinical management strategy includes adherence support and health and safety alerts, as well as member engagement through remote monitoring capabilities and continued management through use of clinical pharmacist support.

    Learn more
  • SafeGuardRx®

    A multi-program value-based platform that unlocks better health outcomes and lower costs. In 2019 alone, participating plans saved $4.3B and experienced lower overall drug trend (1.2% for commercial plans participating in 1+ SafeGuardRx program) as compared to nonparticipating plans (2.3%).

    Learn more
  • inMyndSM

    This behavioral health solution offers a thoughtful and connected approach that helps both patients and payers better recognize, treat and support mental and behavioral health conditions. This program includes digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT) support.

    Learn more

A life-changing solution from Evernorth. Helping to solve the problems others don’t, won’t or can’t.
What is Evernorth?

Let’s get to work

We recognize the many variables you will need to consider when preparing to reopen worksites for employees. Our COVID-19 Resource Center and Reopening guidelines are two additional resources to aid you in this process.

We can work with you to find the best ways to meet the needs of your plan and, just as importantly, your members. Let’s get to work.

Contact us

Request a personalized risk analysis